Confused About Camping? Sort It Out With These Tips

When you choose an activity to enjoy with your family and friends, consider camping. Everyone should have the chance to experience it at least once. Camping isn’t a fool’s sport and it requires a bit of knowledge regarding your surrounding environment. Check out the insights in this article to prepare you for a great camping trip.

Always seek shelter before it is too dark to assess your surroundings. It can be hard to set up camp when it’s dark outside. Someone who isn’t very familiar with the outdoors can come to harm by placing their tent in an unsafe area due to being unable to see. Don’t let this happen to you, and have a shelter set up before dark.

If you have bought a brand new tent in preparation for your camping trip, set it up at home first before you use it for camping. This will allow you to get the experience needed for erecting your tent. It’s a great way to avoid the frustration of having to set up a tent on site.

Pack A Survival Kit

Pack a survival kit and carry it on you at all times. Must haves include, but aren’t limited to, a knife, matches, a flare gun, and a first aid pack. These are essential items for your survival if you ever get lost. Remember to take it everywhere you go when you’re away from your campsite.

If you’re going to be taking your children camping, attend a first-aid course. You will be prepared for any accidents that may occur and can survive until you reach professional medical care. Be sure to research the area you are visiting. Figure out what wild animals are hanging out there and what kinds of poisonous snakes or bugs are sneaking around.

Never forget to see what the weather will be like in the area you will be camping at, prior to leaving. There are a number of sites that can provide detailed information regarding what to expect weather-wise during your trip. This will help you prepare by having the right clothes and equipment.

It is vital that you take a first-aid kit with you anytime that you go camping. Though your location can contribute to necessities in the kit, the basics will remain the same. Some extra emergency supplies like anti-venom may be included, too, depending on the types of wildlife you may encounter.

Small Luxury Items

Even camping purists may find that having a small luxury item is a good thing. Bring an interesting book, some luxurious candy or even a nice fluffy pillow. Don’t bring any items that are heavy, though. Small luxuries can make enduring a camping trip easier.

Don’t forget to include special pillows made just for camping on your adventure. Standard bed pillows tend to get sticky in humid weather. These pillows will also retain water from the air during humid conditions, so they can mildew. Camping pillows are made with a protective, moisture-proof coating to prevent these issues.

Remember to bring along wilderness-friendly activities. Card games are a fun way to pass the time if the weather does not cooperate. If you are going camping with children, you need to make sure that you bring a lot of things to keep them entertained during the trip.

If you bring your dog with you on your trip, make sure they are on a leash and that you watch them carefully. Many people fear dogs. Respect is important when camping. Your dog might even damage someone else’s property if not properly supervised.

Find the softest, flattest ground possible to set up your tent. If you pick out a sloped or a rocky spot it can make sleeping and hanging out in the tent very uncomfortable. Always lay down some tarp first to prevent any water damage to the tent.

You want to make sure that you don’t end up with drained flashlight batteries when you head out on your camping trip. It is very easy to accidentally press the ‘on’ button of your flashlight when it is jostling in a bag with other camping equipment. To prevent draining the batteries, place them in your flashlight backwards. This way, you’ll still have fresh batteries for your trip.

Create A List

Create a list of items you need for your camping trip. This can be of particular importance if you are traveling a long distance and will be in more remote locations. A couple of days before your trip, make a list of everything you need, checking things off as you pack them.

Don’t forget to bring back-ups of things like batteries and flashlights. You will likely need to see when it gets dark out. Make sure areas are well-lit to avoid falls or animal issues. Make sure you have at least enough flashlights for each person to have their own.

Believe it or not, an orange’s peel may keep mosquitoes from biting you during your next camping excursion. This can be used if you have forgotten your insect repellent. Experts have said that you can just rub inner side of an orange peel on any exposed skin. This can keep mosquitoes at bay for a number of hours.

Take some time to think about the appropriate camping clothing ahead of time. Be sure you have enough clean clothes to last the entire trip. Also, check the weather so that you can dress accordingly. Closed toe shoes and hiking boots are generally needed for camping.

A utility knife can serve you well on your camping trip. Utility knives can be quite versatile, so be sure to have an extra with you.

An easy, yet often forgotten tip is to find shelter before it gets dark. The tent pitching process can be extremely hard if there is no light. It is possible to see what you are doing by the light of the campfire or with the aid of a flashlight. However, setting up your camp while it is still daylight is always your best option.

Proper camping is all about preparation and the right knowledge. Use these tips to prepare for your next outing. The tips above, and many more, can only increase your safety, fun, and knowledge gained during a relaxing camping trip.